1204: Colledig

Roedd rhywun wedi dwyn Crymych. Sut mae dod o hyd i bentre colledig? Ni wyddai Daf y gath.

Oedd rhywun wedi dwyn pentre cyfan o’r blaen?

Nac oedd, hyd y gwn i.

Ble fyddech chi’n cadw pentre ar ôl ei ddwyn? A beth fyddai wedi digwydd i’r trigolion?

Aeth Daf y gath am dro i archwilio’r sefyllfa.

Wrth iddi agosáu at hen safle Ysgol y Preseli, fe welodd hi rywbeth annisgwyl.

Dyna octopws anferth ar hen safle’r ysgol.


Roedd yr octopws wedi meddiannu’r safle.

Beth oedd yr octopws am wneud?

Pwy a ŵyr. Ond yn amlwg roedd e wedi bwyta Crymych.

Aeth Daf y gath am dro i archwilio’r sefyllfa.

Saesneg / English


Someone had stolen Crymych. How do you find a lost village? Dave didn’t know.

Had someone stolen an entire village before?

Not as far as I know.

Where would you keep a village after stealing it? And what would have happened to the residents?

Dave the cat went for a walk to examine the situation.

As she approached the old site of Ysgol y Preseli, she saw something unexpected.

There was a giant octopus on the old school site.


The octopus had taken over the site.

What did the octopus want to do?

Who knows. But it had obviously eaten Crymych.

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