1194: Ffeit

Mae’r enwog Waldo Williams am gael ffeit.

Sori, beth?

Wir i chi, mae’r enwog Waldo Williams am gael ffeit.


Mae gormod o egni gyda fe, achos ei fod e wedi bod yn yfed gormod o goffi.

O diar.

Mae Daf y gath yn ei wylio e.

Tybed beth fydde’n digwydd ‘swn i’n rhoi paced o Siwdaffed yn ei goffi nesa? meddylia hi.

Gadewch i ni ffeindio mas.

Mae Daf yn rhoi’r Siwdaffed yng nghoffi nesaf Waldo.

Mae e’n yfed y coffi a mynd yn wylltach fyth ac yn baranoiaidd yn y fargen. Mae e’n neidio ar gefn ei hen feic modur a rhatlan i ffwrdd.

— O wel, medd Daf. — Bant â fe.

“Mae Daf y gath yn ei wylio e.”

Saesneg / English


The famous Waldo Williams wants to have a fight.

Sorry, what?

Honestly, the famous Waldo Williams wants to have a fight.


He’s got too much energy, because he has been drinking too much coffee.

Oh dear.

Dave the cat is watching him.

I wonder what would happen if I put a packet of Sudafed in his next coffee? she thinks.

Let’s find out.

Dave puts the Sudafed in Waldo’s next coffee.

He drinks the coffee and becomes even wilder and paranoid into the bargain. He jumps on the back of his old motorbike and rattles away.

— Oh well, says Dave. — Off he goes.

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