Felly, pam oedd yr Esgob yn ceisio rhoi amcanion i Dewi Sant a Daf y gath?
Digwydd bod, roedd yr Esgob wedi prynu’r tir lle saif y ganolfan grefft.
Ac wedyn, prynodd e’r ganolfan grefft ei hun.
O diar.
Eu landlord nhw yw e bellach. Ac yntau’n awyddus i weld mwy o elw, mae’r Esgob wedi cyhoeddi cynllun effeithlonrwydd.
Heddiw, mae Daf y gath wedi bod yn effeithlon iawn. Mae hi wedi bwyta’n effeithlon, a nawr mae hi’n cysgu’n effeithlon hefyd.

Saesneg / English
So, why was the Bishop trying to give objectives to Saint David and Dave the cat?
It so happened that the Bishop had bought the land where the craft centre stands.
And then, he bought the craft centre itself.
Oh dear.
He is now their landlord. Keen to see more profit, the Bishop has announced an efficiency plan.
Today, Dave the cat has been very efficient. She has eaten efficiently, and now she is sleeping efficiently too.