Ar ddamwain, mae’r cathod wedi hwylio eu llong bleser nhw i fyny Afon Gambia.
Dyw Daf y gath ddim yn un da am lywio.
— We ti’n gwbod bod Gambia bron yr un maint â Chymru o ran ‘i phoblogaeth? gofyn Daf.
— Ti di bod yn darllen Wicipedia eto, nag wt? ymateb Jeff.
Dyw pen Owain Glyndŵr ddim wedi bod yn drafferthus o gwbl, er syndod mawr iddyn nhw. Mae e’n cysgu’n sownd.
Mae e’n colli’r Gambia’n gyfan gwbl.
Saesneg / English
The Gambia
By accident, the cats have sailed their pleasure boat up the Gambia River.
Dave the cat is not good at navigating.
— Did you know that Gambia is almost the same size as Wales in terms of population? asks Dave.
— You’ve been reading Wikipedia again, haven’t you? responds Jeff.
Owain Glyndŵr’s head has not been troublesome at all, much to their surprise. He is fast asleep.
He misses the Gambia completely.