Yn ôl yn y ganolfan grefft, mae’r enwog Kate Roberts wedi bod yn bwydo’r ieir.
Ac yntau’n gwneud sawl cylchdro gorchest o’r blaned, fe gollodd Owain Glyndŵr ei ben ar y blaned Mawrth. Yn llythrennol. Heb ei ben, mae Owain Glyndŵr braidd fel iâr. Wel, iâr heb ben, o leiaf.
Heb ei ben, mae’n anodd bwydo Owain Glyndŵr. Mae rhaid i’r enwog Kate Roberts roi tawddgyffuriau iddo fe.
Dyw Owain Glyndŵr ddim yn hoffi’r tawddgyffuriau.
Ond heblaw am hynny, mae’n ymddangos ei fod e’n gwbl hapus heb ei ben.
Am ryfeddol!

Saesneg / English
Back at the craft centre, the famous Kate Roberts has been feeding the chickens.
While doing several laps of honour of the planet, Owain Glyndŵr lost his head on Mars. Literally. Without his head, Owain Glyndŵr is a bit like a chicken. Well, a headless chicken, at least.
Without his head, Owain Glyndŵr is difficult to feed. The famous Kate Roberts has to give him suppositories.
Owain Glyndŵr doesn’t like the suppositories.
But apart from that, it seems that he is completely happy without his head.
How extraordinary!