1123: Adre

Mae Mrs Trefnus wedi trefnu popeth. Mae hi wedi llwytho’r cathod i mewn i’r llong ofod newydd. Maen nhw’n mynd adre.

Arhoswch am eiliad. Pam mae hi’n tywyllu’n sydyn?

Mae Bryn Teribl yn cau’r heulwen allan â’i flwch cardbord â’r blaned gorachaidd o Shêc ‘n’ Fac mae e wedi halio’n ôl i Fawrth.

Felly, maen nhw’n barod, on’d ‘yn nhw?

Nac ydyn.

Arhoswch am eiliad. Ble mae Owain Glyndŵr? Ydy e’n gwneud cylchdro gorchest arall?

Nac ydy! Dyma fe! Wel, dyma dri chwarter ohono fe, beth bynnag. Ble mae’r gweddill? Pwy a ŵyr. Siŵr o fod bydd ei ben yn troi lan rywbryd.

Reit! Off â nhw i’r Ddaear!

“Wel, dyma dri chwarter ohono fe, beth bynnag.”

Saesneg / English


Mrs Trefnus has organised everything. She has loaded the cats into the new spaceship. They are going home.

Wait a moment. Why is it getting dark all of a sudden?

Bryn Teribl is blocking out the sunshine with his cardboard box and the dwarf planet of Shake ‘n’ Vac he has towed back to Mars.

So, they’re ready, aren’t they?

No they’re not.

Wait a moment. Where is Owain Glyndŵr? Is he doing another lap of honour?

No! Here he is! Well, here’s three quarters of him, anyway. Where’s the rest? Who knows. His head will probably turn up at some point.

Right! Off with them to Earth!

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