Ar y blaned Mawrth, mae Jeff y gath ar drywydd yr enwog Bryn Teribl.
Hyd yn hyn, mae hi wedi gweld ei flwch cardbord a’i esgidiau wedi eu gadael yn nhywod wyneb y blaned.
Ond beth yw’r rheina?
Sanau ydyn nhw.
Sanau Mr. Blobby.
Felly mae rhaid taw sanau Bryn Teribl ydyn nhw, on’d oes?
Ond ble mae e?

Saesneg / English
On Mars, Jeff the cat is on the trail of the famous Bryn Teribl.
So far, she has seen his cardboard box and shoes left in the sand of the planet’s surface.
But what are those?
They are socks.
Mr. Blobby socks.
So they must be Bryn Teribl’s socks, mustn’t they?
But where is he?