October 16, 2024

Ar y blaned Mawrth, mae Natalie Darllen a’r Mawrthiaid yn cael egwyl fach o’r clwb darllen a’i llyfrau diflas am Dyfrig y gath.

Yn anffodus, yn ystod yr egwyl, mae hi’n gwylltio’r Mawrthiaid drwy eu gorfodi nhw i gael sgyrsiau diflas yn y Gymraeg hefyd. Mae’r sgyrsiau’n ddwfn iawn.

— Shwmae. Mawrthiad dw i.

— Shwmae. Mawrthiad dw i.

— O ble wyt ti’n dod?

— Dw i’n dod o Aberdaugleddau.

— Dw i’n dod o Gaerdydd.

— Dw i’n hoffi coffi.

— Dw i’n hoffi bisgedi cathod.

— O da iawn.

— Wyt ti eisiau bisged cathod?

— Nac ydw.

“Dw i’n hoffi bisgedi cathod.”

Saesneg / English


On Mars, Natalie Darllen and the Martians are having a little break from the reading club and her boring books about Dyfrig the cat.

Unfortunately, during the break, she annoys the Martians by forcing them to have boring conversations in Welsh as well. The conversations are very deep.

— Hello. I’m a Martian.

— Hello. I’m a Martian.

— Where do you come from?

— I come from Milford Haven.

— I come from Cardiff.

— I like coffee.

— I like cat biscuits.

— Oh very good.

— Do you want a cat biscuit?

— No.

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