October 5, 2024

Ar fws teithio Y Pandas Pinc, mae Daf y gath wedi rhoi anrheg i bob un aelod o’r grŵp, yn gynnwys Robat Smith.

Beth yw’r anrhegion?

Topiau ydyn nhw.

Pam mae Daf y gath wedi rhoi topiau i bawb?

Er mwyn tynnu eu sylw oddi ar gymryd gormod o gyffuriau.

Wel, da iawn Daf. Maen nhw i gyd yn chwarae’n dawel â’u topiau nhw. Byddan nhw’n cysgu’n dda ac yn naturiol heno.

Arhoswch am eiliad, beth sy’n bod ar Daf y gath?

Mae hi ar y cetamin eto.

O diar. Am ragrith.

Mae’r AI sy’n creu’r delweddau wedi bod ar y cetamin hefyd.

Saesneg / English

The top

On the Pink Pandas’ tour bus, Dave the cat has given a present to every single member of the group, including Robert Smith.

What are the presents?

They are spinning tops.

Why has Dave the cat given spinning tops to everyone?

To distract them from taking too many drugs.

Well, well done Dave. They all play quietly with their tops. They will sleep well and naturally tonight.

Wait a second, what’s wrong with Dave the cat?

She is on the ketamine again.

Oh dear. What hypocrisy.

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