October 5, 2024

Mae’r grŵp Y Pandas Pinc yn dal i fod ar daith, gyda Robat Smith fel eu prif leisydd nhw. Mae Robat Smith wedi derbyn galwad ffôn arall gan yr Esgob.

Mae’r Esgob yn cyhuddo Robat Smith o wylio pornograffi.

O diar.

Mae’r Esgob wedi ei ddrysu.

Fel mae pawb — ac eithrio Daf y gath — yn gwybod, “Pornograffi” yw enw’r pedwerydd albwm gan The Cure.

Mae gan Robat Smith galon lân. Diolch byth.

“Mae Robat Smith wedi derbyn galwad ffôn arall gan yr Esgob.”

Saesneg / English


The Pink Pandas are still on tour, with Robert Smith as their lead singer. Robert Smith has received another phone call from the Bishop.

The Bishop accuses Robert Smith of watching pornography.

Oh dear.

The Bishop is confused.

As everyone – except Dave the cat – knows, “Pornography” is the name of the fourth album by The Cure.

Robert Smith has a pure heart. Thank goodness.

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