October 5, 2024

Mae Robat Smith a’r Pandas Pinc wedi cael galwad ffôn gan yr Esgob.

O diar.

Dyna oedd Daf y gath yn ei ddisgwyl.

Does neb yn hoffi derbyn galwad ffôn gan yr Esgob.

Mae’r Esgob am brofi ffydd Robat Smith. Mae e’n poeni ei fod yn troi at yr ochr dywyll oherwydd ei gân grindcore sy’n ddwy eiliad ar bymtheg o hyd.

Mae Robat Smith yn gwneud jôc chwithig am hetiau a rhoi’r ffôn i lawr.

“Does neb yn hoffi derbyn galwad ffôn gan yr Esgob.”

Saesneg / English


Robert Smith and the Pink Pandas have had a phone call from the Bishop.

Oh dear.

That was what Dave the cat was expecting.

Nobody likes receiving a phone call from the Bishop.

The Bishop wants to test Robert Smith’s faith. He worries that he is turning to the dark side because of his grindcore song which is seventeen seconds long.

Robert Smith makes an awkward joke about hats and puts the phone down.

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