Mae Robat Smith yn mwynhau chwarae gigs gyda’r Pandas Pinc yn fawr iawn, yn lle canolbwyntio ar record newydd ei grŵp ei hun.
Ynghyd â newid caneuon y Pandas Pinc, mae e wedi ychwanegu sawl aelod newydd i’r grŵp.
“Y tri bachgen dychmygol”, mae e’n eu galw nhw.
Mewn gwirionedd, dim ond hwfar, oergell a lamp sefyll ydyn nhw. Mae’r hwfar yn un syfrdanol o dda am chwarae’r syntheseisydd.
— Hei Robat, medd Daf y gath, — ga i fenthyg dy golur di plîs? Dwisie gwisgo minlliw jyst fel ti!
Ond dyw Robat Smith ddim yn gwrando. Mae e’n dysgu’r oergell i chwarae syntheseisydd arall.

Saesneg / English
Three imaginary boys
Robert Smith is really enjoying playing gigs with the Pink Pandas, instead of focusing on his own group’s new record.
Along with changing the Pink Pandas’ songs, he has added several new members to the group.
“The three imaginary boys”, he calls them.
In reality, they are just a hoover, a fridge and a standard lamp. The hoover is surprisingly good at playing the synthesizer.
— Hey Robert, says Daf the cat, — can I borrow your make-up please? I want to wear lipstick just like you!
But Robert Smith isn’t listening. He is teaching the fridge to play another synthesizer.