Neithiwr, perfformiodd Robat Smith fel prif leisydd y Pandas Pinc am y tro cyntaf.
Roedd y cyngerdd yn llwyddiannus dros ben.
Mae pawb yn hapus.
Mae Robat Smith wedi bod yn newid y caneuon. Erbyn hyn, maen nhw i gyd yn wyth munud o hyd o leiaf, ac yn lle sôn am lawenydd seicedelig, iselder yw eu prif bwnc.
O diar.
— Sgwn i beth fyddai’n digwydd ‘sen i’n rhoi Dreamies seicedelig iddo fe? meddylia Daf y gath.
Gawn ni weld.

Saesneg / English
Last night, Robert Smith performed as the lead singer of the Pink Pandas for the first time.
The concert was extremely successful.
Everyone is happy.
Robert Smith has been changing the songs. By now, they’re all at least eight minutes long, and instead of talking about psychedelic joy, their main subject is depression.
Oh dear.
— I wonder what would happen if I gave him psychedelic Dreamies? thinks Dave the cat.
Let’s see.