Mae Stîf, o’r grŵp y Pandas Oren, yn mynd i ganu gyda’r Pandas Pinc heno, diolch i Daf y gath a’i galwad ffôn.
Nid yw’r Pandas Pinc yn hapus o gwbl. Gelynion y Pandas Pinc yw’r Pandas Oren.
Mae Stîf yn or-ddramatig, ac mae e’n gor-ganu popeth.
Byddai’n well gyda’r Pandas Pinc gael Saunders Lewis yn ôl, er ei annibynadwyaeth.
Ar y llwyfan, mae Stîf yn cyhoeddi ei fod eisiau newid enw’r band. Yn ei ôl e, byddai “Stîf a’r Pandas Pinc” yn enw mwy addas.
Ond does dim cynulleidfa, felly does dim ots.

Saesneg / English
Steve, from the group the Orange Pandas, is going to sing with the Pink Pandas tonight, thanks to Dave the cat and her phone call.
The Pink Pandas are not happy at all. The Orange Pandas are the enemies of the Pink Pandas.
Steve is overdramatic, and he over-sings everything.
The Pink Pandas would rather have Saunders Lewis back, despite his unreliability.
On stage, Steve announces that he wants to change the name of the band. According to him, “Steve and the Pink Pandas” would be a more suitable name.
But there’s no audience, so it doesn’t matter.