Mae taith y Pandas Pinc wedi cyrraedd Caergrawnt.
Oes llawer o’u ffans nhw yng Nghaergrawnt?
Nac oes.
Mae Santes Dwynwen wedi bod yn ymarfer. Hi fydd y prif leisydd heno.
Ond mae hi wedi gwneud camgymeriad. Yn lle dysgu caneuon y Pandas Pinc, mae hi wedi dysgu caneuon gelynion y Pandas Pinc, sef y Pandas Oren.
O diar.
Yn ystod y gwiriad sain mae’n amlwg nad yw hi’n nabod geiriau caneuon y Pandas Pinc o gwbl.
Mae hi’n cael ei diswyddo’n syth.
Bydd rhaid i Daf y gath ffeindio prif leisydd arall yn gyflym iawn. Mae hi’n gwneud rhywbeth twp iawn. Mae hi’n ffonio’r Pandas Oren.

Saesneg / English
The Pink Pandas’ tour has arrived in Cambridge.
Are there many of their fans in Cambridge?
Santes Dwynwen has been practising. She will be the lead singer tonight.
But she has made a mistake. Instead of learning the Pink Pandas’ songs, she has learned the songs of the enemies of the Pink Pandas, namely the Orange Pandas.
Oh dear.
During the soundcheck it is clear that she does not know the lyrics to the Pink Pandas’ songs at all.
She is sacked immediately.
Dave the cat will have to find another lead singer very quickly. She does something very stupid. She ‘phones the Orange Pandas.