Mae Daf y gath yn gwneud galwad ffôn.
Mae’n bwysig iawn iddi gael gwared â Saunders Lewis a dod o hyd i rywun arall sy’n gallu perfformio fel prif leisydd y Pandas Pinc.
Mae hi’n ffonio Dewi Sant. Mae Dewi Sant wedi mynd ar daith o’r blaen.
Ond dydy mynd ar daith eto o ddiddordeb i Dewi.
Felly mae Daf yn ffonio Santes Dwynwen. Does dim gan Santes Dwynwen unrhyw dalent cerddorol amlwg, felly byddai hi’n ddelfrydol.
Er syndod mawr i Daf, mae Santes Dwynwen yn cytuno i wneud y gig nesaf.
Mae’r Pandas Pinc yn taflu Saunders Lewis allan o’r bws teithio yn ddiseremoni.

Saesneg / English
Phone calls
Dave the cat makes a phone call.
It is very important for her to get rid of Saunders Lewis and find someone else who can perform as the lead singer of the Pink Pandas.
She phones Saint David. Saint David has been on tour before.
But going on tour again is of no interest to Saint David.
So Dave calls Saint Dwynwen. Saint Dwynwen has no obvious musical talent, so she would be ideal.
Much to Dave’s surprise, Saint Dwynwen agrees to do the next gig.
The Pink Pandas throw Saunders Lewis out of the tour bus unceremoniously.