1067: Worthing

Mae taith y Pandas Pinc wedi cyrraedd Worthing.

Oes ganddyn nhw lawer o ffans yn Worthing?

Nac oes. Mae’r neuadd yn wag.

Mae Saunders Lewis off ei ben eto. Mae e’n cymryd llwyth o sbîd a dinistrio’r ystafell wisgo.

O diar.

Ar y llwyfan, mae aelod o’r gynulleidfa fechan yn clymu ei lasys at ei gilydd. Mae e’n cwympo’n plwnsh.

Mae Kate Roberts wedi cael hen ddigon. Mae hi’n taflu ei chrwth trydan ato fe a gadael y llwyfan.

Mae’n hen bryd i’r Pandas Pinc gael prif leisydd newydd.

“Mae Saunders Lewis off ei ben eto.”

Saesneg / English


The Pink Pandas’ tour has arrived in Worthing.

Do they have a lot of fans in Worthing?

No. The hall is empty.

Saunders Lewis is off his head again. He takes loads of speed and destroys the dressing room.

Oh dear.

On stage, a member of the tiny audience ties his shoelaces together. He falls over in a heap.

Kate Roberts has had enough. She throws her electric crwth at him and leaves the stage.

It’s high time the Pink Pandas got a new lead singer.

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