Mae’r Pandas Pinc yn mynd ar daith.

Mae Kate Roberts a Saunders Lewis wedi ymuno â’r grŵp. Mae Kate Roberts yn mynd i chwarae’r crwth trydan, ac mae Saunders Lewis yn mynd i ganu.

Wel, dim cweit.

Mae Saunders Lewis yn mynd i floeddio a ffidlo â’r amps i gyd.

Pwy yw rheolydd y daith?

Daf y gath, dyna pwy!

O diar.

Bydd mwy o anhrefn. A mwy o getamin.

“Pwy yw rheolydd y daith? Daf y gath, dyna pwy!”

Saesneg / English


The Pink Pandas are going on tour.

Kate Roberts and Saunders Lewis have joined the group. Kate Roberts is going to play the electric crwth, and Saunders Lewis is going to sing.

Well, not quite.

Saunders Lewis is going to shout and fiddle with all the amps.

Who is the tour manager?

Dave the cat, that’s who!

Oh dear.

There will be more chaos. And more ketamine.

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