1056: Gwiriad sain

Mae’r Pandas Pinc ynghanol eu gwiriad sain nhw. Maen nhw’n mynd i berfformio ym muarth y ganolfan grefft.

Mae’r enwog Bryn Teribl yn sefyll wrth ochr y llwyfan â’i gitâr fas. Mae pawb yn gwneud eu gorau glas i’w anwybyddu.

Ond mae rhywun arall yn codi stŵr ar y llwyfan.

Pwy sy’n dadlau â’r dyn sain?

O diar.

Mae’r enwog Kate Roberts am chwarae crwth trydan gyda’r Pandas Pinc. Ond mae’n achosi llawer o adborth swnllyd ac mae hi’n mynnu nad hi yw’r broblem. Y dyn sain yw’r broblem, yn amlwg, yn ei hôl hi.

Ond mewn gwirionedd, mae Saunders Lewis a Daf y gath wedi bod yn ffidlo â’i hamp hi.

“Mae Saunders Lewis a Daf y gath wedi bod yn ffidlo â’i hamp hi.”

Saesneg / English


The Pink Pandas are in the middle of their soundcheck. They are going to perform in the craft centre courtyard.

The famous Bryn Teribl is standing at the side of the stage with his bass guitar. Everyone is doing their very best to ignore him.

But someone else is causing a kerfuffle on stage.

Who is arguing with the sound man?

Oh dear.

The famous Kate Roberts wants to play electric crwth with the Pink Pandas. But it is causing a lot of noisy feedback and she insists that she is not the problem. The sound man is the problem, obviously, according to her.

But in fact, Saunders Lewis and Dave the cat have been fiddling with her amp.

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