1055: Perfformiad

Mae Dewi Sant wedi trefnu cyngerdd yn y ganolfan grefft.

Pwy sy’n mynd i chwarae?

Y Pandas Pinc, dyna pwy!


Mae Waldo Williams a Kate Roberts mor gyffrous. ‘Dyn nhw ddim wedi gweld Y Pandas Pinc o’r blaen. O’n nhw wedi cwympo mas, felly ‘dyn nhw ddim wedi chwarae gig gyda’i gilydd ers achau.

Mae Daf y gath yn dechrau dosbarthu Dreamies arbennig. Bydd angen ar bawb fynd ar daith seicedelig er mwyn iddyn nhw brofi holl effeithiau’r perfformiad.

Bydd angen rhywbeth cryfach ar y perfformwyr, yn enwedig o ystyried bod Owain Glyndŵr yn dal i esgus bod yn degell.

“Pwy sy’n mynd i chwarae?”

Saesneg / English


Saint David has organized a concert in the craft centre.

Who is going to play?

The Pink Pandas, that’s who!


Waldo Williams and Kate Roberts are so excited. They haven’t seen The Pink Pandas before. They had fallen out, so they haven’t played a gig together for ages.

Dave the cat is starting to hand out special Dreamies. Everyone will need to go on a psychedelic trip in order for them to experience the full effect of the performance.

The performers will need something stronger, especially considering that Owain Glyndŵr is still pretending to be a kettle.

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