1053: Campwaith damweiniol

Un tro, dwedodd rhywun pe tasech chi’n rhoi teipiadur i fwnci, gyda digon o amser, byddai’n bosib iddo ail-greu campweithiau William Shakespeare. Annhebyg, ond yn bosib.

Oes posibilrwydd tebyg wrth ystyried Owain Glyndŵr a’i ysgrifbinnau blaen ffelt?

Gawn ni weld.

Mae Kate Roberts yn mynd i weld sut mae e’n tynnu ymlaen.

Mae hi’n ebychu mewn sioc.

Mae Owain wedi gorchuddio wal gyfan â golygfa arswydus, sy’n cynnwys portreadau Ciwbydd o Daf y gath a’i chwaer Jeff, yn null Guernica gan Pablo Picasso.

Am syndod!

(Cafodd yr AI drafferth tro ‘ma…)

Saesneg / English

Accidental masterpiece

Once upon a time, someone said that if you were to give a monkey a typewriter, given enough time, it would be possible for him to recreate William Shakespeare’s masterpieces. Unlikely, but possible.

Is there a similar possibility when considering Owain Glyndŵr and his felt tip pens?

Let’s see.

Kate Roberts goes to see how he’s getting on.

She gasps in shock.

Owain has covered an entire wall with a terrifying scene, which includes Cubist portraits of Dave the cat and her sister Jeff, in the style of Pablo Picasso’s Guernica.

What a surprise!

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