1047: Dyrnwr medi

Mae Waldo Williams wedi troi lan eto.

Yn lle rhatlan lawr y stryd ar ei hen feic modur, mae e’n dreifio dyrnwr medi. Mae e’n bwriadu ei ddefnyddio wrth roi cynnig ar y gystadleuaeth dractora creadigol.

— On’d yw defnyddio dyrnwr medi yn mynd yn groes i’r rheolau? gofyn Daf y gath i’w chwaer.

— Pa reolau? medd Jeff.

Er mwyn sicrhau ei lwyddiant, mae Waldo’n cynllunio diweddglo dramatig.

Ar gefn ei ddyrnwr medi, bydd e’n chwarae drwm bas enfawr, wedi ei bacio â chwstard a ffrwydron.

Beth allai fynd o’i le?

“Beth allai fynd o’i le?”

Saesneg / English

Combine harvester

Waldo Williams has turned up again.

Instead of rattling down the street on his old motorbike, he is driving a combine harvester. He intends to use it when attempting the creative tractor competition.

— Isn’t it against the rules to use a combine harvester? Dave the cat asks her sister.

— What rules? says Jeff.

To ensure his success, Waldo is planning a dramatic finale.

On the back of his combine harvester, he will play a massive bass drum, packed with custard and explosives.

What could go wrong?

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