Mae rhywun anghyfarwydd yn y ganolfan grefft. Mae e’n gwylio’r enwog Bryn Teribl sy’n weldio, a myfyrio’n dawel am oferedd a gwagedd bywyd.
Ie, dyna ni: mae’r bardd enwog T. H. Parry-Williams wedi troi lan.
Mae e’n gofyn i’r enwog Bryn Teribl fyddai’n bosib iddo drwsio ei feic.
— Weldo, medd Bryn, a pharhau â’i waith.
— Beth? gofyn yr enwog Waldo Williams.
Felly mae T. H. yn mynd i siop peiriannau amaethyddol Jeff y gath. Rhywsut, mae Jeff yn llwyddo i’w werthu tractor ag aradr.
Felly dyma i ni T. H. Parry-Williams yn gyrru’r tractor o gwmpas y buarth. Mae e wedi anghofio am oferedd bywyd achos ei fod e’n cael sut gymaint o hwyl. Ac mae’r aradr yn edrych yn ffantastig.

Saesneg / English
T. H.
There is a stranger in the craft centre. He is watching the famous Bryn Teribl welding and meditating quietly about the futility and emptiness of life.
Yes, that’s it: the famous poet T. H. Parry-Williams has turned up.
He asks the famous Bryn Teribl if it would be possible for him to fix his bike.
— Welding, says Bryn, and continues his work.
— What? asks the famous Waldo Williams.
So T. H. goes to Jeff the cat’s agricultural machinery shop. Somehow, Jeff manages to sell him a tractor with a plough.
So here we have T. H. Parry-Williams driving the tractor around the yard. He has forgotten about the futility of life because he is having so much fun. And the plough looks fantastic.