Mae pawb yn cwyno am y gwres.
Ni all y llywodraeth lywodraethu.
Ni all y cyhoedd gyhoeddi.
Ni all yr adeiladwyr adeiladu.
Does dim byd yn digwydd o gwbl.
Arhoswch am funud.
Beth yw’r sŵn erchyll ‘na?
O diar.
Mae’r enwog Bryn Teribl yn ceisio gwneud ei uned aerdymheru ei hun.
Bydd hwnnw’n sicr o fynd ar dân.

Saesneg / English
Everyone is complaining about the heat.
The government cannot govern.
The public cannot publish.
The builders cannot build.
Nothing is happening at all.
Wait a minute.
What’s that horrible noise?
Oh dear.
The famous Bryn Teribl is trying to make his own air conditioning unit.
That will surely catch fire.