Mae Daf y gath wedi creu adroddiad.
Oho, mae hynny’n swnio’n swyddogol iawn.
Beth mae’r adroddiad yn ddweud?
Mae’r adroddiad yn dweud nad oes gobaith caneri o ddatrys y broblem asbestos yn Nhŷ’r Cyffredin. Mae asbestos ym mhobman.
O diar.
Felly mae rhaid i Jeff y gath, Prif Weinidog newydd y Deyrnas Unedig, wneud penderfyniad.
Mae hi’n gweithredu’n gyflym. Mae hi’n pasio deddfwriaeth frys i gau Tŷ’r Cyffredin, ei ddymchwel, a symud canolfan weinyddol y DU i Fae Caerdydd.
Mor awyddus i fynd yn ôl i Gymru yw’r enwog Bryn Teribl, mae e’n gwneud lap o anrhydedd.

Saesneg / English
Dave the cat has created a report.
Uh-oh, that sounds very official.
What does the report say?
The report says that there is not a cat in hell’s chance of solving the asbestos problem in the House of Commons. There is asbestos everywhere.
Oh dear.
So Jeff the cat, the new Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, has to make a decision.
She acts quickly. She passes emergency legislation to close the House of Commons, demolish it, and move the UK’s administrative center to Cardiff Bay.
The famous Bryn Teribl is so keen to go back to Wales, he does a lap of honour.