Gweithred gyntaf Owain Glyndŵr fel nawddsant newydd Cymru yw trefnu sioe amaethyddol yn Nhŷ’r Cyffredin.
O diar.
Dyma’r enwog Bryn Teribl ar ei dractor. Ni fydd y tractor yn ffitio trwy ddrws y siambr.
Mae geifr ym mhobman, yn rhedeg o gwmpas Tŷ’r Cyffredin braidd fel yr enwog Owain Glyndŵr ei hun.
Mae larwm yn swnio.
Beth sydd?
Mae’n amser i’r rasio defaid ddechrau. Ond mae golwg od ar un o’r defaid.
Dyma Daf y gath, wedi ei chuddwisgo fel dafad. Er nad ennillodd hi’r etholiad cyffredinol, mae hi’n gobeithio ennill y ras defaid.

Saesneg / English
Owain Glyndŵr’s first act as the new patron saint of Wales is to organize an agricultural show in the House of Commons.
Oh dear.
Here’s the famous Bryn Teribl on his tractor. The tractor will not fit through the chamber door.
There are goats everywhere, running around the House of Commons rather like the famous Owain Glyndŵr himself.
An alarm sounds.
What is it?
It’s time for the sheep racing to begin. But one of the sheep looks odd.
It’s Dave the cat, disguised as a sheep. Although she did not win the general election, she hopes to win the sheep race.