Mae Jeff y gath wedi cyhoeddi bydd rhaglen fawr o genedlaetholi. Am ryfeddod!
Bydd hi’n ail-genedlaetholi’r rheilffyrdd ac ynni, a chenedlaetholi sanau a chaws am y tro cyntaf.
Ond pam mae golwg mor drist ar yr enwog Bryn Teribl?
Achos ei fod e’n mynd i gael ei genedlaetholi hefyd.
Fydd e ddim yn perfformio ar ei gitâr fas mewn cyngherddau preifat bellach. Dim ond gwaith swyddogol bydd e’n ei wneud.
Mae Jeff hefyd wedi bod yn ystyried cenedlaetholi Daf y gath. Ond mae hi’n penderfynu peidio â gwneud hynny. Beth fyddai’r pwynt?

Saesneg / English
Jeff the cat has announced that there will be a major programme of nationalisation. What a marvel!
She will re-nationalise the railways and energy, and nationalise socks and cheese for the first time.
But why does the famous Bryn Teribl look so sad?
Because he is going to be nationalised too.
He will no longer perform on his bass guitar in private concerts. He will only do official work.
Jeff has also been considering nationalising Dave the cat. But she decides not to do that. What would be the point?