Mae Daf y gath yn dal i gynnal trafodaethau â’r gwrthbleidiau.
Mae hi am danseilio llywodraeth Jeff y gath. Felly mae hi’n fodlon siarad â phob math o bobl ddieflig.
Mae hi’n cael sgwrs gyda llyfant erchyll.
– Helo Mistar Llyffant. Ble mae eich llyffantod eraill?
– Mae popeth mor annheg! Dylwn ni fod wedi cael cant o seddi! Ni yw’r dioddefwyr!
– Dylwn i fod wedi ennill yr etholiad i gyd, felly fi yw’r dioddefwraig, ateb Daf.
– Chi ddim. Mae popeth yn annheg! Mae popeth yn annheg!
Y cwbl all y llyfant wneud yw cwyno. Mae’n dod yn amlwg na fydd e fawr o help.

Saesneg / English
Dave the cat is still holding discussions with the opposition parties.
She wants to undermine the government of Jeff the cat. So she is willing to talk to all kinds of devilish people.
She has a conversation with a horrible toad.
– Hello Mr. Toad. Where are your other toads?
– Everything is so unfair! We should have had a hundred seats! We are the victims!
– I should have won the whole election, so I am the victim, answers Dave.
– You’re not. Everything is unfair! Everything is unfair!
All the toad can do is complain. It becomes clear that he won’t be much help.