Pam mae llond gwlad o gwstard ar y llawr yn Nhŷ’r Cyffredin?
Pwy sy’ wedi cael damwain?
Yr enwog Bryn Teribl, yn ôl y sôn!
Helpu Santes Dwynwen oedd e?
Beth oedd Santes Dwynwen yn trio cyflawni?
Roedd hi am lenwi’r siambr â chwstard, yn amlwg.
Wnaeth hi gwstard arbennig o ffiaidd i wneud y tro’n iawn?
Felly nid damwain mo hyn wedi’r cwbl?
Nac oedd. Cwstard bwriadol yw e.

Saesneg / English
Intentional Custard
Why is there a whole load of custard on the floor in the House of Commons?
Who has had an accident?
The famous Bryn Teribl, apparently!
Helping Saint Dwynwen, was he?
He was.
What was Saint Dwynwen trying to achieve?
She wanted to fill the chamber with custard, obviously.
Did she make particularly disgusting custard for the purpose?
So this wasn’t an accident after all?
No it wasn’t. It is intentional custard.