Mae Daf y gath wedi bod yn cael trafodaethau â’r gwrthbleidiau, yn gynnwys y ffasgwyr, gan na fydd croeso iddi ddod adre tra bydd Mrs. Llinos Trowsus yn aelod o gabinet ei chwaer.
O diar.
Daf, pam fyddet ti’n gwneud hynny?
Achos bod eisiau dial arni hi.
Nid yw’r enwog Owain Glyndŵr yn ddigon call i sylweddoli bod Daf yn gweithio gyda’r gelyn, er bod Daf wedi bod yn rhoi Dreamies i ryw lyffant neu’i gilydd.
Ond does dim ots. Mae e wedi dod â’i deganau i Dŷ’r Cyffredin, ac mae e’n cael amser difyr â’i geir bach.

Saesneg / English
Opposition parties
Dave the cat has been having discussions with the opposition parties, including the fascists, as she will not be welcome to come home while Mrs. Llinos Trowsus is a member of hersister’s cabinet.
Oh dear.
Dave, why would you do that?
Because she wants revenge.
The famous Owain Glyndŵr is not smart enough to realise that Dave is working with the enemy, even though Dave has been giving Dreamies to some toad or other.
But it doesn’t matter. He has brought his toys to the House of Commons, and he is having a jolly time with his toy cars.