Does dim ond pedwar diwrnod i fynd tan yr etholiad cyffredinol.
Diolch byth.
Mae pawb yn hyderus bydd Jeff y gath yn ffurfio’r llywodraeth nesaf.
Ond yn y byd gwleidyddol, mae llawer o bethau’n gallu digwydd o fewn cwpl o ddiwrnodau.
Er enghraifft: mae’r enwog Bryn Teribl wedi tynnu’n ôl o’r gystadleuaeth oherwydd clwy’r marchogion. Druan arno fe.
Mae Daf y gath yn cynllwynio. Mae hi eisiau pŵer ar bob cyfrif.
Mae hi’n herio Jeff i ymladd.

Saesneg / English
There are only four days to go until the general election.
Thank goodness.
Everyone is confident that Jeff the cat will form the next government.
But in the political world, many things can happen within a couple of days.
For example: the famous Bryn Teribl has withdrawn from the competition due to piles. Poor him.
Dave the cat is plotting. She wants power at all costs.
She challenges Jeff to a fight.