Erbyn hyn, mae pawb wedi cael hen ddigon o’r etholiad cyffredinol, hyd yn oed yr ymgeiswyr.
Mae taflenni gwleidyddol ym mhobman.
Mae gan Dewi Sant ddatrysiad rhyfeddol o syml i’r broblem.
Mae e wedi rhoi’r bin ailgylchu o dan y twll llythyrau. Mae bob un daflen sy’n dod trwy’r drws yn mynd yn syth i’r bin.
Ond beth sy’n digwydd i’w filiau, er enghraifft?
Maen nhw hefyd yn mynd yn syth i’r bin!
Gogoniant i’r Tad, ac i’r Mab, ac i’r Ysbryd Glân.

Saesneg / English
By now, everyone has had enough of the general election, even the candidates.
Political leaflets are everywhere.
Saint David has a surprisingly simple solution to the problem.
He has put the recycling bin underneath the letter box. Every single leaflet that comes through the door goes straight in the bin.
But what happens to his bills, for example?
They also go straight in the bin!
Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost.