Mae Jeff y gath yn boblogaidd iawn. Mae hi’n garedig ac yn gall, ac mae hi’n un da am hela.
Beth allai fynd o’i le?
Dim byd!
Arhoswch am funud. Pam mae lluoedd o bobl yn gorymdeithio trwy’r strydoedd mewn iwnifformau du?
O na.
Mae Daf y gath wedi troi at ffasgiaeth.
Mae hi’n addo pob math o bethau erchyll i’r hen ddynion tew sy’n ei dilyn hi. Mae eu hwynebau nhw’n goch, ac maen nhw i gyd yn grac, ond allan nhw ddim esbonio pam.
O diar.
Ond mae datrysiad i’r broblem hon.
Mae Jeff y gath yn llogi awyren a chwistrellu’r holl wlad â catnip. Cyn bo hir, mae pawb yn teimlo’n well, ac maen nhw ar eu ffordd i’r Crymych Arall y tu hwnt i’r gorwel.
Am ryddhad.

Saesneg / English
Black shirts
Jeff the cat is very popular. She’s kind and sensible, and she’s good at hunting.
What could go wrong?
Wait a minute. Why are masses of people marching through the streets in black uniforms?
Oh no.
Dave the cat has turned to fascism.
She promises all sorts of horrible things to the fat old men who are following her. Their faces are red, and they are all angry, but they can’t explain why.
Oh dear.
But there is a solution to this problem.
Jeff the cat hires a plane and sprays the whole country with catnip. Before long, everyone feels better, and they are on their way to the Other Crymych beyond the horizon.
What a relief.