Mae Dewi Sant wedi cyhoeddi polisi brys.
Bydd rhaid i bob ysgol dysgu creadaeth i’w disgyblion.
Mae Dewi yn dweud taw gwenwyno meddyliau yw addysg fodern. Felly mae rhaid mynd yn ôl at yr hen draddodiadau, fel dysgu pethau sy’n mynd yn groes i wyddoniaeth a synnwyr cyffredinol.
Ond dyw e ddim hyd yn oed yn credu mewn creadaeth ei hun. Dim ond ceisio cipio tudalennau blaen y papurau newyddion y mae Dewi.
Ond does neb yn talu unrhyw sylw iddo. Yn y cyfamser, mae Daf y gath wedi cyhoeddi y byddai parti mawr pe tasai hi’n ennill yr etholiad.
Saesneg / English
Saint David has announced an emergency policy.
All schools will have to teach creationism to their pupils.
Saint David says modern education is poisoning minds. So it’s necessary to go back to the old traditions, like teaching things that go against science and common sense.
But he doesn’t even believe in creationism himself. Saint David is only trying to grab the front pages of the newspapers.
But no-one pays any attention to him. Meanwhile, Dave the cat has announced that there would be a big party if she were to win the election.
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