Mae Daf y gath yn ymgyrchu i ennill yr etholiad cyffredinol. Felly mae hi wedi dechrau dweud celwyddau.
Ar ei wefan, “Daf Newydd, Gwlad Newydd”, mae hi’n dweud bydd pethau’n gwella’n syth os ydy hi’n cael ei hethol.
Celwydd yw hynny. Does dim llefeleth gyda Daf beth i’w wneud.
Mae hi wedi addo y bydd hofranfyrddau i bawb hefyd. Felly bydd hi’n datrys problemau traffig y wlad.
Celwydd yw hynny hefyd. Mae hi wedi gorfodi’r enwog Bryn Teribl i wneud hofranfwrdd arbrofol, ond dim ond astell o bren yw e.
O, Daf. Bydd pawb mor siomedig ynddot ti.
Saesneg / English
Dave the cat is campaigning to win the general election. So she has started telling lies.
On her website, “New Dave, New Country”, she says things will improve immediately if she is elected.
That is a lie. Dave has no idea what to do.
She has also promised that there will be hoverboards for everyone. That’s how she will solve the country’s traffic problems.
That is also a lie. She has forced the famous Bryn Teribl to make an experimental hoverboard, but it is only a plank of wood.
Oh, Dave. Everyone will be so disappointed in you.