Mae’r Prifdaten wedi cyhoeddi bydd etholiad cyffredinol. Bydd cyfle i gael prifdaten newydd, a fydd yn union fel yr un blaenorol.
O diar.
Ond mae Daf y gath yn teimlo’n gyffrous.
Pam hynny?
Mae hi wedi penderfynu sefyll fel ymgeisydd.
Beth fydd ei pholisïau?
Dyw hi ddim yn siŵr. Pŵer mae hi eisiau, dyna i gyd.

Saesneg / English
General Election
The Prime Potato has announced that there will be a general election. There will be a chance to have a new Prime Potato, who will be exactly like the previous one.
Oh dear.
But Dave the cat feels excited.
Why is that?
She has decided to stand as a candidate.
What will her policies be?
She’s not sure. It’s power she wants, that’s all.