Mae Daf y gath wedi mynd â’i chariad, Twm, i fwyty.
Mae’r weinyddes yn gofyn iddyn nhw ydyn nhw eisiau gwin gwyn neu win coch.
Dyw Twm ddim yn gallu penderfynu.
– Oes cyffuriau seicedelig gyda chi? gofyn Daf.
– Nac oes, meddai’r weinyddes. – Ond mae absinthe gyda ni.
– Hwrê, meddai Daf, ac archebu dau absinthe cyn i Twm gael cyfle i gwyno.
Erbyn i’r platiau o fwyd cathod gyrraedd, mae Twm wedi meddwi’n llwyr.

Saesneg / English
Dave the cat has taken her boyfriend, Twm, to a restaurant.
The waitress asks them if they want white wine or red wine.
Twm can’t decide.
– Do you have any psychedelic drugs? asks Dave.
– No, says the waitress. – But we have absinthe.
– Hooray, says Dave, and orders two absinthes before Twm has a chance to complain.
By the time the plates of cat food arrive, Twm is completely drunk.