Mae lot a sblasio ym mhwll nofio’r sba wedi bod. Ond erbyn hyn mae distawrwydd.
Beth sy’ wedi digwydd?
Defnyddiodd Jeff y gath y peiriant bingo i yrru’r mam-guod anfad i’r pwll nofio trwy saethu peli atyn nhw.
Do’n nhw ddim yn hapus o gwbl. Dechreuon nhw ganu cân erchyll am weu cardiganau o ffwr cathod a gwneud mwy o ystumiau ffasgaidd, ond cwympon nhw i’r pwll fesul un.
Nawr, mae tawelwch.
Ydyn nhw wedi boddi?
Nac ydyn.
Erbyn hyn, maen nhw wedi gweu cocynau o’u cwmpas, ac mae’r dŵr yn edrych fel ei fod yn dechrau berwi.
Annwyl ddarllenydd, dych chi wedi gweld Gremlins o’r blaen?
O diar.

Saesneg / English
There has been a lot of splashing in the spa swimming pool. But now there is silence.
What has happened?
Jeff the cat used the bingo machine to herd the evil godmothers into the swimming pool by shooting balls at them.
They weren’t happy at all. They started singing a horrible song about knitting cardigans out of cat fur and making more fascist gestures, but they fell into the pool one by one.
Now, it’s quiet.
Have they drowned?
No, they haven’t.
By now, they have knitted cocoons around themselves, and the water looks like it is starting to boil.
Dear reader, have you seen Gremlins before?
Oh dear.