Tra bod pawb arall wedi’u parlysu gan eu hofn o’r mam-guod anfad, mae Jeff y gath yn cynllwynio.
Sut mae cael gwared â’r mam-guod anfad? Sut mae eu hela?
Mae llawer ohonyn nhw, wedi’r cyfan.
Ac yn bwysicach fyth, sut alla i fod yn sicr ‘mod i wedi cael gwared â phob un? meddylia Jeff.
Ac yna, mae hi’n gweld y peiriant bingo yng nghornel y lolfa a chael syniad.

Saesneg / English
Getting rid
While everyone else is paralysed by their fear of the evil grandmas, Jeff the cat is plotting.
How does one get rid of the evil grandmas? How does one hunt them?
There are a lot of them, after all.
And more importantly, how can I be sure that I’ve got rid of all of them? Jeff thinks.
And then, she sees the bingo machine in the corner of the lounge and has an idea.