October 16, 2024

Mae Daf y gath yn mwynhau’r ormodaeth o fam-guod sydd wedi ymddangos yng ngwesty Dewi Sant.

Maen nhw i gyd wedi dechrau rhoi arian poced iddi hi am ei bod hi wedi bod yn gath dda iawn.

Ond mae problem.

Does dim pocedi gyda chathod.

Ond mae’r mam-guod wrthi’n datrys y broblem hon. Maen nhw i gyd yn dechrau gweu pocedi newydd ar gyfer Daf y gath.

Cyn hir, mae pocedi dros y lle i gyd, pob un â darn punt ynddi.

“Does dim pocedi gyda chathod.”

Saesneg / English

Pocket money

Dave the cat is enjoying the surfeit of grandmas that have appeared at Saint David’s hotel.

They have all started giving her pocket money because she has been a very good cat.

But there is a problem.

Cats don’t have pockets.

But the grandmas are busy solving this problem. They all start knitting new pockets for Dave the cat.

Before long, there are pockets all over the place, each with a pound coin in it.

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