Mae pawb, yn gynnwys yr enwog Syd Moron, yn ôl yng ngwesty Dewi Sant.
– Pwy wyt ti? meddai Santes Dwynwen wrth yr enwog Syd Moron.
– Syd Moron ydw i.
– Ble mae’r hen Julian Cope?
– Erm, Julian Cope ydw i hefyd. Wel, Julian Cope o’n i’n arfer bod.
– Felly pwy wyt ti, acsiwli?
– Syd Moron ydw i.
– Yn bwysicach fyth, pwy yw honna?
Mae menyw dal, benfelen yn sefyll yng nghornel y gegin, wrth ymyl yr oergell. Llychlynwraig yw hi.
– Brynhild ydw i.
– Ti ddim, meddai’r enwog Bryn Teribl. – Fi sy Bryn.
Annwyl ddarllenydd, mae’n mynd i fod yn noson hir.

Saesneg / English
Who are you?
Everyone, including the famous Syd Carrots, is back at Saint David’s hotel.
– Who are you? says Santes Dwynwen to the famous Syd Carrots.
– I’m Syd Carrots.
– Where is old Julian Cope?
– Erm, I’m Julian Cope too. Well, I used to be Julian Cope.
– So who are you actually?
– I’m Syd Carrots.
– More importantly, who is that?
A tall, blonde woman is standing in the corner of the kitchen, next to the fridge. She is a Viking.
– I’m Brynhild.
– You’re not, says the famous Bryn Teribl. – I’m Bryn.
Dear reader, it’s going to be a long night.