Yn y Pumed Crymych yn y Gogledd, mae Dewi Sant wedi yfed gormod o lefrith rhithbair. Mae e nawr yn cael gweledigaeth ddwyfol o’r apostolion.
Arhoswch am funud.
Mae pob un o’r apostolion yn edrych yn union fel yr enwog Syd Moron. Maen nhw’n chwarae gitarau trydanol ar ffurf gwreiddlysiau.
Mae Daf y gath yn trio deffro Dewi Sant, ond mae ei weledigaeth yn rhy ddwfn.
– Dylen ni fynd i’r Chweched Crymych, meddai’r enwog Syd Moron. – Mae mwy o doctors draw fan ‘na.
Mae Daf y gath yn rholio ei llygaid.
– A ble mae’r Chweched Crymych ‘te? gofyn Daf.
– Yn Awstralia, digwydd bod.
– A shwd ‘yn ni fod i gyrredd Awstralia?
– Dim ond i ni ddringo i mewn i’r canon cyfleus ‘ma. Co ni off!

Saesneg / English
In the Fifth Crymych in the North, Saint David has drunk too much hallucinogenic milk. He is now having a divine vision of the apostles.
Wait a minute.
All of the apostles look exactly like the famous Syd Carrots. They are playing electric guitars in the shape of root vegetables.
Dave the cat tries to wake Saint David, but his vision is too deep.
– We should go to the Sixth Crymych, says the famous Syd Carrots. – There are more doctors over there.
Dave the cat rolls her eyes.
– And where is the Sixth Crymych, then? asks Daf.
– In Australia, as it happens.
– And how’re we supposed to get to Australia?
– We just have to climb into this convenient cannon. Let’s go!