Hyd yn hyn, mae’r criw wedi dod i nabod y pedwar Crymych cyntaf. Mae’r Crymychs i gyd yn Sir Benfro, er eu bod nhw mewn dimensiwn arall.
Ond mae’r enwog Julian Cope wedi datgelu bod y pumed Crymych yn y gogledd.
– Rŵan ‘ta, meddai’r enwog Julian Cope. – Pwy sy’ isio te hefo llefrith?
– Be? meddai Daf y gath. – Sdim llefeleth ‘da fi be ti feddwl. Pam w’t ti’n siarad fel ‘na?
– Dwi jyst yn awyddus i ffitio miwn. Lle dychrynllyd yw’r gogledd.
– Ti’n swno fel twrci rhwym. So nhw’n siarad fel ‘na o gwbwl.
Cyn bo hir, maen nhw’n cyrraedd y Pumed Crymych yn y Gogledd.
Digwydd bod, mae’r Pumed Crymych yn llawn o dwrcïod. Maen nhw i gyd yn cwyno eu bod yn teimlo’n llawn a chwyddedig, ac yn torri gwynt yn ddi-baid.
– Falle bo’ nhw’n rhwym wedi’r cwbwl, meddai Daf y gath.
Mae Dewi Sant yn cynnau sigarét wrth i Jeff y gath ddechrau hela’r twrcïod.

Saesneg / English
The North
So far, the crew have got to know the first four Crymychs. The Crymychs are all in Pembrokeshire, although they are in another dimension.
But the famous Julian Cope has revealed that the fifth Crymych is in the north.
– Now, says the famous Julian Cope. – Who wants tea with milk?
– What? says Dave the cat. – I haven’t got a clue what you mean. Why are you speaking like that?
– I’m just keen to to fit in. The north is a scary place.
– You sound like a constipated turkey. They don’t speak like that at all.
Before long, they reach the Fifth Crymych in the North.
As it happens, the Fifth Crymych is full of turkeys. They all complain that they feel full and bloated, and are constantly breaking wind.
– Perhaps they’re constipated after all, says Dave the cat.
Saint David lights a cigarette while Jeff the cat starts hunting the turkeys.
(Ffoto: ceridwen, o dan drwydded Wikimedia – https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0/deed.en)