Tra bod yr enwog Bryn Teribl yn dathlu ei het newydd, mae’r criw o’r enwog Julian Cope, Dewi Sant, a’r cathod wedi cyrraedd y bedwerydd Crymych ger Aberdaugleddau. Mae’n edrych bron yn union fel y trydydd Crymych y tu ôl i’r mynydd, heb y tiwtoriaid Cymraeg.
– Wel, dyma ni ‘te, meddai’r enwog Julian Cope.
– Oes Dreamies? gofyn Daf y gath.
– Nac oes, ond arhoswch am funud.
Mae pawb yn aros am funud. Does dim byd yn digwydd.
– Ma’r Crymychs ‘ma’n mynd yn fwyfwy diflas, meddai Daf y gath.
– Beth am i ni drio’r pumed? gofyn yr enwog Julian Cope, ymhen ychydig amser.
– Ble ma’ hwnna? gofyn Jeff y gath.
– Yn y…
Mae Julian Cope yn oedi.
– Be? gofyn Daf.
– Sa i isie codi ofn arnoch chi.
– Ble ma’ fe?
– Yn y… GOGLEDD, meddai’r enwog Julian Cope.
– Am annisgwyl, meddai Daf y gath.

Saesneg / Englisb
The Fourth Crymych
While the famous Bryn Teribl is celebrating his new hat, the crew of the famous Julian Cope, Dewi Sant, and the cats have reached the fourth Crymych near Milford Haven. It looks almost exactly like the third Crymych behind the mountain, without the Welsh tutors.
– Well, here we are, says the famous Julian Cope.
– Are there Dreamies? asks Daf the cat.
– No, but wait a minute.
Everyone waits for a minute. Nothing happens.
– These Crymychs are getting more and more boring, says Dave the cat.
– How about we try the fifth? asked the famous Julian Cope, after a while.
– Where is that? asked Jeff the cat.
– In the…
Julian Cope pauses.
– What? asks Daf.
– I don’t want to scare you.
– Where is it?
– In the… NORTH, says the famous Julian Cope.
– How unexpected, says Dave the cat.
Ffoto: ceridwen, o dan drwydded Wikimedia –