Mae Bryn Teribl yn helpu Santes Dwynwen eto.
Gofynnodd hi iddo fe fynd â’r biniau allan.
Nawr, mae ysbwriel dros y lle i gyd.
O diar.
– Pam fod sbwriel ym mhobman? gofyn Daf y gath.
Ond dyw’r enwog Bryn Teribl ddim yn ymateb. All e ddim. Mae ei geg yn llawn o ysbwriel.
O, Bryn.

Saesneg / English
Bryn Teribl is helping Saint Dwynwen again.
She asked him to take the bins out.
Now, there is rubbish all over the place.
Oh dear.
– Why is there rubbish everywhere? asks Dave the cat.
But the famous Bryn Teribl doesn’t respond. He can’t. His mouth is full of rubbish.
Oh, Bryn.