Mae’r enwog Bryn Teribl yn “helpu” Santes Dwynwen yng nghegin y gwesty.
Mewn gwirionedd, mae hynny’n meddwl ei fod e’n achosi trafferth. Lembo yw Bryn Teribl.
Mae Santes Dwynwen yn gwacáu’r sychdaflwr. Mae hi wedi bod yn golchi amrywiaeth o glytiau meicro-ffeibr.
Mae hi’n rhoi’r clytiau sych ar y dresel.
Yn anffodus mae’r enwog Bryn Teribl yn gweld y clytiau. Gan eu bod nhw’n felyn, mae e’n meddwl bod Santes Dwynwen wedi gwneud ei chwstard enwog. Mae e’n dechrau bwyta bant.
Cyn bo hir, mae gan Bryn Teribl bola tost, a cheg sych iawn.

Saesneg / English
The famous Bryn Teribl is “helping” Saint Dwynwen in the hotel kitchen.
In fact, that means he’s causing trouble. Bryn Teribl is a buffoon.
Santes Dwynwen is emptying the dryer. She has been washing a variety of micro-fibre cloths.
She puts the dry cloths on the dresser.
Unfortunately the famous Bryn Teribl sees the cliths. As they are yellow, he thinks that Saint Dwynwen made her famous custard. He starts tucking in.
Before long, Bryn Teribl has stomach ache, and a very dry mouth.