October 16, 2024

Mae’r planhigion Dreamies wedi diflannu.

O diar.

Mae Daf y gath yn mynd i banig. Dyw hi ddim yn gallu mynd i’r Crymych Arall y tu hwnt i’r gorwel heb ddigon o Dreamies. Ac yn waeth na hynny, mae hi angen ffics i leddfu’r symptomau diddyfnu. Dyw hi ddim am brofi’r hen groen gŵydd.

Ond beth sy’ wedi digwydd?

Mae’r ffermwr ifanc yn eistedd ar ben pentwr o fetel sgrap. Mae llawer o fwg. Mae darnau o dractor dros yr ardd i gyd.

– Fi ‘di crasho’r tractor, meddai.

“Fi ‘di crasho’r tractor.”

Saesneg / English


The Dreamies plants have disappeared.

Oh dear.

Dave the cat is panicking. She can’t go to the Other Crymych beyond the horizon without enough Dreamies. And worse than that, she needs a fix to relieve the withdrawal symptoms. She doesn’t want to experience the old cold turkey.

But what has happened?

The young farmer is sitting on top of a pile of scrap metal. There is a lot of smoke. There are pieces kf tractor all over the garden.

– I’ve crashed the tractor, he says.

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