October 16, 2024

Plannodd y ffermwr ifanc Dreamies Daf y gath yng ngardd gwesty Dewi Sant. Nawr, maen nhw wedi aeddfedu.

Beth yw’r pethau sgwâr rheiny sy’n hongian o’u canghennau?

Ffrwythau sy’n cynnwys Dreamies ydyn nhw!

Mae Daf y gath mor, mor gyffrous.

Mae hi eisiau mynd yn syth yn ôl i’r Crymych Arall y tu hwnt i’r gorwel i weld y Pandas Pinc yn perfformio.

Mae’r ffermwr ifanc yn nesáu.

– Be ti mynd i neud? meddai Daf y gath.

– Ffarmo, meddai’r ffermwr ifanc.

Yn amlwg, mae e wedi meddwi.

Mae e’n ceisio cynhaeafu’r ffrwythau gyda chyllell o ddrôr yng nghegin y gwesty. Dyw e ddim yn llwyddiannus.

“Mae e’n ceisio cynhaeafu’r ffrwythau gyda chyllell.”

Saesneg / English


The young farmer planted Dave the cat’s Dreamies in the garden of Saint David’s hotel. Now, they have matured.

What are those square things hanging from their branches?

They are fruits that contain Dreamies!

Dave the cat is so, so excited.

She wants to go straight back to the Other Crymych beyond the horizon to see the Pink Pandas perform.

The young farmer approaches.

– What are you going to do? says Dave the cat.

– Farming, says the young farmer.

Obviously, he’s drunk.

He tries to harvest the fruit with a knife from a drawer in the hotel kitchen. He is not successful.

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