October 16, 2024

Mae’r anesthetydd wedi anestheteiddio’r awdur.

O diar.

Sut wnaeth yr anesthetydd torri’r pedwaredd wal?

Pwy a ŵyr. Ond mae’r awdur yn teimlo’n gysglyd iawn.

Mae Daf y gath yn dihuno a chodi. Mae hi wedi cysgu am saith awr yn ddidor.

Da iawn Daf.

Ond mae’r awdur yn stryffaglu.

Does dim geiriau gydag e.

Dim ond cwsg. Cwsg.

“Mae’r anesthetydd wedi anestheteiddio’r awdur.”

Saesneg / English

The fourth wall

The anaesthetist has anaesthetised the author.

Oh dear.

How did the anaesthetist break the fourth wall?

Who knows. But the author feels very sleepy.

Dave the cat wakes and gets up. She has slept for seven hours straight.

Well done Dave.

But the author is struggling.

He has no words.

Just sleep. Sleep.

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