Mae chwaer annymunol Santes Dwynwen a’i phlant erchyll wedi dod i aros yng ngwesty Dewi Sant.
Mae chwaer Santes Dwynwen yn mynnu cael popeth yn rhad ac am ddim.
Dyw Dewi Sant ddim yn hapus o gwbl, na Santes Dwynwen chwaith.
Pam maen nhw wedi dod?
Pwy a ŵyr.
Ond maen nhw fel cymylau du, barus. Maen nhw’n ariangar dros ben. Maent yn ddistaw yn eu hwyliau drwg.
Nefi wen! Beth all Dewi Sant ei wneud?
Mae e’n cael sgwrs fach gyda Daf y gath, i weld oes unrhyw syniadau gyda hi.
Does ‘na ddim.
Mae Dewi Sant yn dechrau gweddïo am wyrth.

Saesneg / English
Saint Dwynwen’s disagreeable sister and her horrible children have come to stay at Dewi Sant’s hotel.
Saint Dwynwen’s sister insists on having everything free of charge.
Saint David is not happy at all, nor is Saint Dwynwen.
Why have they come?
Who knows.
But they are like black, greedy clouds. They are extremely covetous of money. They are silent in their moodiness.
Heavens! What can Saint David do?
He has a little chat with Dave the cat, to see if she has any ideas.
She does not.
Saint David begins to pray for a miracle.